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Music for Relaxation, Meditation and Healing:
Relaxing music and guitar sounds are the best accompaniment for Meditation, Relaxation and Healing. The cosmoenergetics of each sound carries positive vibrations, alpha waves, similar to ethnic deep music of different cultures and shamanic music. In the process of listening, the chakras (vortices) are cleansed, the energy centers are replenished, the Subconscious - Consciousness - Superconsciousness connection is restored, the Third Eye is opened, the gift of vision and access to the Transcendental space. Guitar music helps to achieve the desired results and goals and will be an excellent accompaniment in the Healing Meditation process.
Easy Listening - Space Music - Focus concentration - Peaceful music - Relaxation - Meditation music - Study music - ambiance - ambient music for Love.
Price for single track:
$2.36 (€1.5)
The track "Flower of Life" was created in collaboration with Alexey Yakubov, my friend, student and the same creator as me.
The clip was shot on the island of Olkhon, surrounded by the sacred lake Baikal. This is the place where the Universe speaks to you, opens up new facets of consciousness and shows the possibilities that absolutely all people of our planet Earth are endowed with.
Memories, fantasies, pictures from the past or even, perhaps, the future begin to scroll in your mind. It is enough just to be attentive and consciously observe what is happening inside us. After all, it is we who create our reality. And it depends only on us what the outside world will be like.
Alexey and I decided to dedicate the composition "Flower of Life" to our children - Lev and Nikita. These are our flowers of life, our descendants and the continuation of the family. We believe that our children will be as happy in adulthood as their fathers!
Price for single track:
$1.57 (€1)
The pleasant sound of an acoustic guitar immerses you in an atmosphere of contemplation and peace. High vibration strings 432 Hz
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