How it works

In order to release your tracks through the electronic distribution iMixes, you should create your label where your future tracks and albums will appear.
Use the following instruction.

Step 1: Create a label
Step 2: Issue an artist
Step 3: Issue a track
Step 4: Issue the albums
Step 5: Publish an album

Note! It is forbidden to publish the tracks if you do not have the copyrights for them. It concerns all the products as files, covers and texts containing the other auther's materials. For this you need written permission from the owner of copyrights.

The main rules for distribution user and legal aspects

Before becoming Mixes user get aquainted with the main rules of the site user as an author and a seller of musical content.
The price structure suggested by our service is very simple: there are no hidden expenditures, dependence on the period of the agreement and risks.
iMixes registration is free.
Label / account activation is €0 ($0), it is paid only once when you begin to publicate your content. Till that moment test your account free. More information about our service you can see after the free of charge registration.

iMixes suggests you only a platform for distribution of your personal tracks. During registration as well as loading your tracks you should garantee that you have copyright for your masterpieces.It is also concerns some separate elements from other works even in case when their lenght is one second only or if only separate vocal or instrumental parts are used. Any use of a piece protected by the copyright needs the author's consent. It is forbidden to offer a musical or other content if you have no rights.Any production, remixes, versions of coverage snd texts containing other author's materials inspite of the volume and length need a written permission from the owners of copyrights. Remember! the infringement of copyrights could be reason for the suit. It means that you have to compensate the right's owner. The owners of copyrights especially the record companies lead a systematic fight for their rights and don't delay to bring a suit against. Meaning that we are only the distributors of your creations. All the responsibility to corresponding institutions is on you.On getting the similar request from the official organizations we have to give them your contact data. To be sure in correctness of data given by you (a telephone number and email adress) we shall recheck them in real time. For activation of your account a copy of your passport and the number of your bank account are needed.

Pay attention: the adress given while registering should coincide with the adress in your passport, and the copy of your passport should be readable. At the moment of your registration in the system and during each content loading we keep IP-adress. The service administration is listening every loaded tracks. All this we do for the security and keeping the exist legislation.
