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Spring Tube Limited Sampler 04
Price for single track: 
$3.13 (€2)
Stephen J. Kroos - Study the Progressions of the Past (Original Mix) (5:16)
Fiddler - Colours (Original Mix) (8:14)
Robert R. Hardy - I Love You (Original Mix) (8:27)
Electricano - Lacroix (Original Mix) (8:29)
Alex O'Rion - Sneaky Spider (Original Mix) (6:35)
Allende, Magnetic Flux - Density (Original Mix) (5:17)
AudioStorm - Observatory (Original Mix) (9:11)
Kaban - The Lost Signal (Original Mix) (7:05)
Ronfoller - One Step (Original Mix) (7:37)
Miraculum - Pentaquark (Original Mix) (9:46)
Soulfinder, Shane Robinson - Dopamine (Original Mix) (8:27)
Ewan Rill - Monochrome (Original Mix) (6:30)
Tuxedo - Amplitude (Original Mix) (6:47)
Vou Vibe - Designing Thoughts (Original Mix) (9:39)
Price for whole release $10.96 (€7)
Our favorite time of the year is finally here! In the seventh spring for our main label and the fourth one for the Spring Tube Limited we traditionally present you a yearly sampler releases on both the imprints. These are the selections of fresh original works from some of our finest resident artists as well as several welcome names in our roster. As always expect the full EP/single releases for the tracks from these samplers later this year. 'Spring Tube Limited Sampler 04' includes 14 brand new tunes by: Stephen J. Kroos, Alex O'Rion, Soulfinder & Shane Robinson, Allende pres. Magnetic Flux, Electricano, Ewan Rill, Robert R. Hardy, Miraculum, Tuxedo, AudioStorm, Kaban, Fiddler, Ronfoller, and Vou Vibe. Release dates: April 27 - exclusively on Beatport; May 11 - all other known stores/platforms. 'Spring Tube Sampler 07' includes 17 brand new tunes by: Anthony Mea, Marco Grandi, Adam Byrd, Phrakture, Rishi K., Escadia, Emiliano Martini, Hansgod, Nebogitel, Srinivas, Slang & Technodreamer, Slam Duck, White Resonance, Nikolay Mikryukov, Nio March, Matthew Norrs, and MYSTERIA. Release dates: April 25 - exclusively on Beatport; May 9 - all other known stores/platforms.
Spring Tube Sampler 07
Price for single track: 
$3.13 (€2)
Phrakture ft. Maria Carmela - Curve Sound (Original Mix) (3:47)
Anthony Mea - Dreama (Original Mix) (6:51)
Marco Grandi - Butterfly (Original Mix) (6:40)
Adam Byrd - Without You (Original Mix) (7:17)
Nio March - Better Ways (Original Mix) (7:05)
Matthew Norrs - eBaby (Original Mix) (6:09)
Slam Duck - Burden (Original Mix) (5:37)
Srinivas - Tranquil (Original Mix) (6:10)
Slang, Technodreamer - Hypnosis (Original Mix) (7:47)
White Resonance - Yesterday (Original Mix) (7:32)
Emiliano Martini - Memento (Original Mix) (6:34)
Mysteria (UK) ft. Nick Sinckler - Turn (Original Mix) (6:14)
Escadia - Believe (Original Mix) (6:27)
Nebogitel - I Need You (Original Mix) (7:07)
Nikolay Mikryukov - Coast 2 Coast (Original Mix) (6:57)
Rishi K. - New Leaf (Original Mix) (7:28)
Hansgod - Darpan (Original Mix) (4:45)
Price for whole release $10.96 (€7)
Our favorite time of the year is finally here! In the seventh spring for our main label and the fourth one for the Spring Tube Limited we traditionally present you a yearly sampler releases on both the imprints. These are the selections of fresh original works from some of our finest resident artists as well as several welcome names in our roster. As always expect the full EP/single releases for the tracks from these samplers later this year. 'Spring Tube Sampler 07' includes 17 brand new tunes by: Anthony Mea, Marco Grandi, Adam Byrd, Phrakture, Rishi K., Escadia, Emiliano Martini, Hansgod, Nebogitel, Srinivas, Slang & Technodreamer, Slam Duck, White Resonance, Nikolay Mikryukov, Nio March, Matthew Norrs, and MYSTERIA. Release dates: April 25 - exclusively on Beatport; May 9 - all other known stores/platforms. 'Spring Tube Limited Sampler 04' includes 14 brand new tunes by: Stephen J. Kroos, Alex O'Rion, Soulfinder & Shane Robinson, Allende pres. Magnetic Flux, Electricano, Ewan Rill, Robert R. Hardy, Miraculum, Tuxedo, AudioStorm, Kaban, Fiddler, Ronfoller, and Vou Vibe. Release dates: April 27 - exclusively on Beatport; May 11 - all other known stores/platforms.
Unlimited Limits, Vol.23
Price for single track: 
$3.13 (€2)
Robert R. Hardy - Soulfian (Original Mix) (8:00)
East Cafe - Hurt (Dale Middleton Remix) (8:03)
Cristian R - Dolphins (Original Mix) (8:29)
Mier - Transmit (Matter Remix) (7:43)
Namatjira - Bardarbunga (Antrim Remix) (7:25)
Michael A - Distance (Original Mix) (7:23)
Pad One - Dragonfly (LoQuai Remix) (7:59)
Nick Varon - Golden Cave (Mariana Pres. Drogo Remix) (7:21)
Kreisel, Yfirum - The Shadows (Original Mix) (8:29)
Price for whole release $10.96 (€7)
Nu-Disco Zone, Vol.6
Price for single track: 
$3.13 (€2)
Soty, Seven24 - Style Night (Original Mix) (3:24)
August Rush - Outta Dreams (Original Mix) (6:54)
1Touch - Mineral (Original Mix) (3:33)
Domestic Technology - Roger Riggs (Original Mix) (3:57)
Capo Blanco - Lights Out (Original Mix) (3:50)
Bram - Surrounded by Your Love (Original Mix) (8:23)
Aurolab - Childhood (Aurolab 2016 Rework) (7:29)
Price for whole release $10.96 (€7)
Spring Tube Liquid, Vol.4
Price for single track: 
$3.13 (€2)
Rick Tedesco - Path Unknown (Original Mix) (4:41)
Rick Tedesco - Intentions (Original Mix) (5:14)
Tact Tokyo - Echo Garden (Original Mix) (4:33)
Tact Tokyo - Glide By (Original Mix) (6:09)
Cardmoth - My Life (Original Mix) (5:32)
Cardmoth - Saturation (Original Mix) (4:00)
Subalpine - Outlook (Original Mix) (5:10)
Subalpine - Those Who Wait (Original Mix) (5:27)
Anabioz - Do You Want to the Sea (Original Mix) (3:51)
oranGootAngle ft. Anchorage - Minor Things (Original Mix) (6:43)
Price for whole release $10.96 (€7)
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