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Strings of Time
Price for single track: 
$1.57 (€1)
Strings of Time (3:28)
Strings of Time (Extended Mix) (6:49)
Price for whole release $2.35 (€1.5)
Have you ever had moments when "the whole life flashes before your eyes"? This usually happens at some extreme moments, moments of danger, moments bordering on life and death… This happens because the strings of time are touched, which in their normal state are not subject to any changes, since they are inaccessible. And at such moments, which are described above, you seem to get into a superstate and touch these thin threads, time is distorted and reacts accordingly… Another mystical and fascinating track about things that are often beyond the control of either our consciousness or our understanding, but which play a huge role in our lives, and not in our lives, in the Universe and beyond…
The Enchanted
Price for single track: 
$1.57 (€1)
The Enchanted (2:54)
The Enchanted (Extended Mix) (5:44)
Price for whole release $2.35 (€1.5)
The story is about ritual dances, about wild and dark forests, about the ancient inhabitants of these long-forgotten places. Rites of passage, sacrifices and everything that is somewhere near and somewhere close to all these stories. Do you have a feeling of tension and fatigue from constant and daily chores and worries? Is there a need to release the accumulated negative energy outside? Then give free rein to your emotions, your ancient roots. Let out all the accumulated steam with the help of dancing to recharge with positive energy and do great things again, no matter what you do… Or you'll stay that way... Enchanted…
The Flow
Price for single track: 
$1.57 (€1)
The Flow (6:10)
The Flow (Instrumental Mix) (6:10)
Price for whole release $2.35 (€1.5)
This is a real life story, when a friend and colleague of mine once told me that he could not find the inspiration to continue making music. I thought about it then, a little later I gave him an answer, how I see this situation, and a little later I had the idea of a track. The idea and the answer to the question is that there is no need to look for any inspiration. You just need to start doing something related to your creative process. By the way, this applies not only to musicians, but to any creative activity in general. Just do and catch the flow, like a surfer catching a wave. When you start creating without having a specific idea or idea of what might come out of it, it's not scary. Just create, do it, and then during the process you will definitely catch a creative flow that will pick you up and that will give you that inspiration… The track has already been released, but in a different arrangement. I decided to add and strengthen the house groove a little bit, shorten the part with my vocals and make the track closer to genres such as deep house, organic house. Catch the Flow...
Reverse Your Mind
Price for single track: 
$1.57 (€1)
Reverse Your Mind (5:43)
Ti Esrever (6:59)
Price for whole release $2.35 (€1.5)
Sometimes non-standard situations occur in our lives that require extraordinary solutions. How ready is your brain for such challenges? Can you, if necessary, turn your mind around and think in a completely unpredictable direction? The simple language of sounds and music is about difficult, in a sense even philosophical things. Abstract from reality and enjoy the sound around you. Somewhere in the subconscious, perhaps these tracks were inspired by a famous film by a famous director. Or maybe I just made it up, but in fact it was all about the stream of consciousness that I caught when I created these tracks. Who knows, who knows… Reverse your mind.
The Good Tidings
Price for single track: 
$1.57 (€1)
The Bell Ringing (Re-Organic Mix) (5:52)
The Good Tidings (Re-Organic Mix) (5:25)
Price for whole release $2.35 (€1.5)
The girls who delighted you a year ago with their beautiful vocals combined with a powerful beat of tech house style are back. This time I decided to make Re-Organic remixes for one of my favorite house music releases. A less fast tempo of Organic House and a more gentle musical setting for these beautiful vocal parts in the Slavic spirit, in my opinion, got along well together now and sounded completely different. The release is simply saturated with kindness, tenderness and peace. Experience for yourself all the beauty of ethnic chants with Slavic roots and immerse yourself in the world of beauty, kindness and tenderness, combined with a deep dance groove…
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