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Deep House
Boner (Original Mix)
$3.13 (€2)
Spring Tube's 187th release is the next full originals EP for the tracks from label's 2016 sampler. Alexander Smirnov aka Slam Duck, hailing from Russia, has released his music on such labels as Black Hole, Baroque, Colorize (Enhanced), Macarize, Intricate, Incepto, DeepWit, and others. Alexander has debuted on Spring Tube with the memorable track "Feeble" within the 'Deeper Shades 10' release seven months back. After the massive remix for us on Jelly For The Babies "Smitten" three months back now we present you Slam Duck's first personal release on Spring Tube - 'Immersion' EP. The pack includes two new exclusive original works by Alexander - the title theme "Immersion", and "Boner", as well as the "Burden" tune featured on Spring Tube's 7th sampler. Three different and beautiful deep moods by one of our current favorite artists. Enjoy!
Spring Tube Sampler 07
Spring Tube Sampler 07
Deep House
Burden (Original Mix)
$3.13 (€2)
Our favorite time of the year is finally here! In the seventh spring for our main label and the fourth one for the Spring Tube Limited we traditionally present you a yearly sampler releases on both the imprints. These are the selections of fresh original works from some of our finest resident artists as well as several welcome names in our roster. As always expect the full EP/single releases for the tracks from these samplers later this year. 'Spring Tube Sampler 07' includes 17 brand new tunes by: Anthony Mea, Marco Grandi, Adam Byrd, Phrakture, Rishi K., Escadia, Emiliano Martini, Hansgod, Nebogitel, Srinivas, Slang & Technodreamer, Slam Duck, White Resonance, Nikolay Mikryukov, Nio March, Matthew Norrs, and MYSTERIA. Release dates: April 25 - exclusively on Beatport; May 9 - all other known stores/platforms. 'Spring Tube Limited Sampler 04' includes 14 brand new tunes by: Stephen J. Kroos, Alex O'Rion, Soulfinder & Shane Robinson, Allende pres. Magnetic Flux, Electricano, Ewan Rill, Robert R. Hardy, Miraculum, Tuxedo, AudioStorm, Kaban, Fiddler, Ronfoller, and Vou Vibe. Release dates: April 27 - exclusively on Beatport; May 11 - all other known stores/platforms.
Artist Choice 040. Slang (4th Selection)
Artist Choice 040. Slang (4th Selection)
Deep House
Feeble (Original Mix)
$3.13 (€2)
Spring Tube artists' choice. The brightest tracks from label's releases compiled and mixed by the representatives of our roster. Artist Choice 40: SlanG (4th selection)
Spring Tube Journey. Russia
Spring Tube Journey. Russia
Deep House
Feeble (Original Mix)
$3.13 (€2)
With Spring Tube 173rd release we present you the third installment of label's series of compilations "Spring Tube Journey". This our next Journey will be to Russia. 'Spring Tube Journey. Russia' includes the works by some of the finest Progressive/Deep House artists from this country featured on our label earlier - Ivan Romanovskiy aka Ewan Rill, Yuriy Kolomiytsev aka Yuriy From Russia, Evgeny Svalov aka 4Mal, Anton Golubev and Arthur Golubev aka Magnetic Brothers, Igor Markov aka Reii, Igor Ivanov aka Trapezform, Faustas Zdaniavichus aka Nebogitel, and Alexander Smirnov aka Slam Duck, as well as a couple of new artists for our roster - Igor Hodorenko aka Ri9or, and Igor Platunov aka Platunoff. Enjoy the musical Journey to Russia!
Deeper Shades 10
Deeper Shades 10
Deep House
Feeble (Original Mix)
$3.13 (€2)
With Spring Tube's 169th release we present you the next installment of our 'Deeper Shades' series. 'Deeper Shades 10' includes new original works by: three artists already featured on our label earlier - Paul2Paul from USA, Guido Cusani from Italy, and Crack D from Russia; as well as four new for our roster artists - Tolga Diler [Stripped, Mistique, Deepsessions] from Turkey, Slam Duck [Colorize, Macarize, DeepWit, Intricate, Incepto] from Russia, T.O.M. [Spinnin, Black Hole, Moonbeam Digital] from The Netherlands, and Twisted Puppies [Tulipe, Electronic Tree, Share] from Finland.
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