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Motor Cortex Stimulation
Motor Cortex Stimulation
Breaks / Breakbeat / UK Bass
Our Answers
$1.57 (€1)
No genres, no rules: every track on A. Out’s invigorating new album is, as guys describes, a world unto itself. Entitled Motor Cortex Stimulation, it’s a cantankerous smorgasbord of unclassifiables: industrial strength triumphant cinematic breaks, squat party techno murderation, bone-rattling bloodclart breakbeats and oil barrels of toxic, skin-melting bass are just some of the flavours in his foreboding brew. It sounds a bit like this… Five years in the making and framed with a political edge it’s the most ambitious body of work A. Out has created since his debut album Psycho Breaks 5 years ago. It’s raw, brutal, complex and as tense as the current global climate.
Motor Cortex Stimulation
Motor Cortex Stimulation
Breaks / Breakbeat / UK Bass | Glitch Hop
$1.57 (€1)
No genres, no rules: every track on A. Out’s invigorating new album is, as guys describes, a world unto itself. Entitled Motor Cortex Stimulation, it’s a cantankerous smorgasbord of unclassifiables: industrial strength triumphant cinematic breaks, squat party techno murderation, bone-rattling bloodclart breakbeats and oil barrels of toxic, skin-melting bass are just some of the flavours in his foreboding brew. It sounds a bit like this… Five years in the making and framed with a political edge it’s the most ambitious body of work A. Out has created since his debut album Psycho Breaks 5 years ago. It’s raw, brutal, complex and as tense as the current global climate.
Motor Cortex Stimulation
Motor Cortex Stimulation
Breaks / Breakbeat / UK Bass
Showsace pt2
$1.57 (€1)
No genres, no rules: every track on A. Out’s invigorating new album is, as guys describes, a world unto itself. Entitled Motor Cortex Stimulation, it’s a cantankerous smorgasbord of unclassifiables: industrial strength triumphant cinematic breaks, squat party techno murderation, bone-rattling bloodclart breakbeats and oil barrels of toxic, skin-melting bass are just some of the flavours in his foreboding brew. It sounds a bit like this… Five years in the making and framed with a political edge it’s the most ambitious body of work A. Out has created since his debut album Psycho Breaks 5 years ago. It’s raw, brutal, complex and as tense as the current global climate.
Motor Cortex Stimulation
Motor Cortex Stimulation
Breaks / Breakbeat / UK Bass | Glitch Hop
Something About You
$1.57 (€1)
No genres, no rules: every track on A. Out’s invigorating new album is, as guys describes, a world unto itself. Entitled Motor Cortex Stimulation, it’s a cantankerous smorgasbord of unclassifiables: industrial strength triumphant cinematic breaks, squat party techno murderation, bone-rattling bloodclart breakbeats and oil barrels of toxic, skin-melting bass are just some of the flavours in his foreboding brew. It sounds a bit like this… Five years in the making and framed with a political edge it’s the most ambitious body of work A. Out has created since his debut album Psycho Breaks 5 years ago. It’s raw, brutal, complex and as tense as the current global climate.
Motor Cortex Stimulation
Motor Cortex Stimulation
Breaks / Breakbeat / UK Bass
The Energy Performance
$1.57 (€1)
No genres, no rules: every track on A. Out’s invigorating new album is, as guys describes, a world unto itself. Entitled Motor Cortex Stimulation, it’s a cantankerous smorgasbord of unclassifiables: industrial strength triumphant cinematic breaks, squat party techno murderation, bone-rattling bloodclart breakbeats and oil barrels of toxic, skin-melting bass are just some of the flavours in his foreboding brew. It sounds a bit like this… Five years in the making and framed with a political edge it’s the most ambitious body of work A. Out has created since his debut album Psycho Breaks 5 years ago. It’s raw, brutal, complex and as tense as the current global climate.
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