Label: Reel to Reel tapes Russia / ALL
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Sitar & Gusly
Far Away
$1.57 (€1)
In this edition we present you a Completely new and unique project! This is a meeting of the two instruments with a history Dating back to the distant past… Sitar and Harp. Three ancient Indian melodies and three ancient Russian tunes intertwine in the after-sounds… Since ancient times, the gusli in the form of a helmet were associated with the art of singing runes and folk tales, epics — heroic and Patriotic songs-tales, telling about the exploits of Russian heroes and reflecting the life of Ancient Russia IX—XIII centuries. Each of them is unique, each has a unique and recognizable sound, the combination of them fascinates and immerses us in the world of unique sounds of extraordinary depth and transparency… In this edition met two professionals. Ivan Muralov and Kirill Bogomilov. Ivan Muralov is a professional performer on the sitar, received a diploma with honors from the Faculty of music of Benares University. Currently, he teaches and performs a lot, including at international festivals, participates as a special guest at concerts of famous artists around the world. Sitar is a unique string instrument, an alloy of Iranian sitar and Indian guilt. Its sound can not be confused with anything. His music takes the listener to a place where there is no matter and time. Kirill Bogomilov – composer, player and multi-instrumentalist, writer and performer of tales and legends on the 25-stringed harp helmet and the Balkan flutes, the winner of the contest “Talents of Moscow – 2017”, the founder of ethno-project “Kanteleon”. In his work he embodies motifs from different eras: from national epic, Slavic tales and legends of ancient Russia to the ancient voices and mintanga knight of the middle ages, combining the music of various cultures of the ancient world.
Sitar & Gusly
$1.57 (€1)
In this edition we present you a Completely new and unique project! This is a meeting of the two instruments with a history Dating back to the distant past… Sitar and Harp. Three ancient Indian melodies and three ancient Russian tunes intertwine in the after-sounds… Since ancient times, the gusli in the form of a helmet were associated with the art of singing runes and folk tales, epics — heroic and Patriotic songs-tales, telling about the exploits of Russian heroes and reflecting the life of Ancient Russia IX—XIII centuries. Each of them is unique, each has a unique and recognizable sound, the combination of them fascinates and immerses us in the world of unique sounds of extraordinary depth and transparency… In this edition met two professionals. Ivan Muralov and Kirill Bogomilov. Ivan Muralov is a professional performer on the sitar, received a diploma with honors from the Faculty of music of Benares University. Currently, he teaches and performs a lot, including at international festivals, participates as a special guest at concerts of famous artists around the world. Sitar is a unique string instrument, an alloy of Iranian sitar and Indian guilt. Its sound can not be confused with anything. His music takes the listener to a place where there is no matter and time. Kirill Bogomilov – composer, player and multi-instrumentalist, writer and performer of tales and legends on the 25-stringed harp helmet and the Balkan flutes, the winner of the contest “Talents of Moscow – 2017”, the founder of ethno-project “Kanteleon”. In his work he embodies motifs from different eras: from national epic, Slavic tales and legends of ancient Russia to the ancient voices and mintanga knight of the middle ages, combining the music of various cultures of the ancient world.
Sitar & Gusly
Russian Epic
$1.57 (€1)
In this edition we present you a Completely new and unique project! This is a meeting of the two instruments with a history Dating back to the distant past… Sitar and Harp. Three ancient Indian melodies and three ancient Russian tunes intertwine in the after-sounds… Since ancient times, the gusli in the form of a helmet were associated with the art of singing runes and folk tales, epics — heroic and Patriotic songs-tales, telling about the exploits of Russian heroes and reflecting the life of Ancient Russia IX—XIII centuries. Each of them is unique, each has a unique and recognizable sound, the combination of them fascinates and immerses us in the world of unique sounds of extraordinary depth and transparency… In this edition met two professionals. Ivan Muralov and Kirill Bogomilov. Ivan Muralov is a professional performer on the sitar, received a diploma with honors from the Faculty of music of Benares University. Currently, he teaches and performs a lot, including at international festivals, participates as a special guest at concerts of famous artists around the world. Sitar is a unique string instrument, an alloy of Iranian sitar and Indian guilt. Its sound can not be confused with anything. His music takes the listener to a place where there is no matter and time. Kirill Bogomilov – composer, player and multi-instrumentalist, writer and performer of tales and legends on the 25-stringed harp helmet and the Balkan flutes, the winner of the contest “Talents of Moscow – 2017”, the founder of ethno-project “Kanteleon”. In his work he embodies motifs from different eras: from national epic, Slavic tales and legends of ancient Russia to the ancient voices and mintanga knight of the middle ages, combining the music of various cultures of the ancient world.
Sitar & Gusly
Sakhi Eri
$1.57 (€1)
In this edition we present you a Completely new and unique project! This is a meeting of the two instruments with a history Dating back to the distant past… Sitar and Harp. Three ancient Indian melodies and three ancient Russian tunes intertwine in the after-sounds… Since ancient times, the gusli in the form of a helmet were associated with the art of singing runes and folk tales, epics — heroic and Patriotic songs-tales, telling about the exploits of Russian heroes and reflecting the life of Ancient Russia IX—XIII centuries. Each of them is unique, each has a unique and recognizable sound, the combination of them fascinates and immerses us in the world of unique sounds of extraordinary depth and transparency… In this edition met two professionals. Ivan Muralov and Kirill Bogomilov. Ivan Muralov is a professional performer on the sitar, received a diploma with honors from the Faculty of music of Benares University. Currently, he teaches and performs a lot, including at international festivals, participates as a special guest at concerts of famous artists around the world. Sitar is a unique string instrument, an alloy of Iranian sitar and Indian guilt. Its sound can not be confused with anything. His music takes the listener to a place where there is no matter and time. Kirill Bogomilov – composer, player and multi-instrumentalist, writer and performer of tales and legends on the 25-stringed harp helmet and the Balkan flutes, the winner of the contest “Talents of Moscow – 2017”, the founder of ethno-project “Kanteleon”. In his work he embodies motifs from different eras: from national epic, Slavic tales and legends of ancient Russia to the ancient voices and mintanga knight of the middle ages, combining the music of various cultures of the ancient world.
Stanford. Warlock. Ansorge
Stanford. Warlock. Ansorge
Ballade - Conrad Ansorge
$1.57 (€1)
We present you the edition recorded in a few days in a quiet and beautiful corner of Russia in the Studio of our friends SmartAudio Recording lab! This is a Recording of works that are now almost impossible to hear, due to the fact that they are half-forgotten. But this Record gave these works a new life and we are sure that they will be interesting to the modern listener! The recording was made using several microphones of world brands such as Neumann, AKG, Soyuz and others with an unusual configuration. Shigeru Kawai SK-6 concert piano For Mastering was used Studer A80 and Tape sm900. This is the second work of our label and Dmitry Maksimenko, which is very different from the previous one. Dmitry – The winner of international competitions, who holds the position of organist in the Anglican Church of St. Andrew in Moscow, constantly acts as part of the organ Duo with the titular organist of the Cathedral of Moscow Anna Vetlugina. As a pianist he collaborates with the Symphony orchestra «Belsound». He is the artistic Director and one of the founders of the ensemble of ancient music Capella’415. Sir Charles Villiers Stanford is an Irish composer who also worked in the UK. From 1883 he was a teacher of music composition at the Royal College of music in London, and from 1887 he became Professor of music at the University of Cambridge. He made a huge contribution to the renewal of British music in the late XIX century.. He also published Irish folk music. In his works, the composer actively used the motifs of Irish folk song classics. Peter Warlock (real name Philip Arnold Heseltine — British composer and music critic. He was educated at three leading English colleges. The greatest influence on his work had the music of Frederick Delius, Roger Quilter and Bernard van Dieren. Peter Warlock’s legacy as a composer consists primarily of songs and works for the choir. In addition, he is the author of a small number of works for piano and string orchestra. Konrad Anzorge is a German pianist, composer and music teacher. In 1880-1882 he studied at the Leipzig Conservatory, then at Weimar with Franz Liszt, accompanied him to Rome. Being a recognized virtuoso, he always struggled with» virtuosity » and the pursuit of effects. His performance was spiritualized, especially admired the performance of works by Beethoven, Schubert, Schumann, Chopin and Liszt. The stylistic affiliation of his works to the period of expressionism is noted.
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