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Price for single track:
$1.57 (€1)
The Bob Shankar Security Systems album is a journey through the Nepale mountains full of stories and pulsations.
Sometimes it is an attack of forms, sometimes it is a path in spite of adversity among the clouds.
Have a nice trip.
Mix & Mastering by Alex Kianu
Cover Art by Alex Kianu
Price for single track:
$1.57 (€1)
The influence of jazz and funk music inspired me to take a precise mathematical approach to this experiment.
I worked with the connection of different harmonies in a single whole, discovered knots and connections of the culture of western manifestations through the music of the past.
This experiment doubled the "wind roses" into the 2nd universe in harmony with the love molecules of divine matter and artificial intelligence.
For all the compositions, we created a generative video art performance.
Mixing and Mastering by Chizh
The characters on the cover and in the performance were created by Arina Makarova.
The album is dedicated to Olga Alexandrovna.
Price for single track:
$1.57 (€1)
A symbiosis of the voices of underwater mammals, sounds of nature and places of power.
He gave me the opportunity to create a new universe of "wind roses" in harmony with the molecules of love of the divine mother and artificial intelligence concentrated in 4 albums named after the geography of the 4 cardinal points described in the book of a famous science fiction writer. For all the compositions, we created a generative video art performance.
Mixing and Mastering by Chizh
The characters on the cover and in the performance were created by Arina Makarova.
The album is dedicated to Olga Alexandrovna.
Price for single track:
$1.57 (€1)
The musical dessert Brownie owes its appearance to Viktor Savin and Dima Rosenberg, better known by their DJ names
Maytreya and DimaBerg.
The compositions were created according to the old tradition in the kitchen, in the semi-darkness, from fragments of dreams, memories and impressions of jazz and trip-hop. We took drums as dusty as planks from pirate ships, and rhodes and synths permeated by the street wind with a touch of intimacy and romance, complementing everything with a heavenly flute and cosmic tabla.
We express our human craving for the beautiful…
We are driven by the desire to narrate music…
Price for single track:
$1.57 (€1)
The musical dessert Brownie owes its appearance to Viktor Savin and Dima Rosenberg, better known by their DJ names
Viktor Viktorovich and DimaBerg.
The compositions were created according to the old tradition in the kitchen, in the semi-darkness, from fragments of dreams, memories and impressions of jazz and trip-hop. We took drums as dusty as planks from pirate ships, and rhodes and synths permeated by the street wind with a touch of intimacy and romance, complementing everything with a heavenly flute and cosmic tabla.
We express our human craving for the beautiful…
We are driven by the desire to narrate music…
items 1 to 5 of 5