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Items per page: 5
Price for single track:
$1.53 (€1)
The musical dessert Brownie owes its appearance to Viktor Savin and Dima Rosenberg, better known by their DJ names
Maytreya and DimaBerg.
The compositions were created according to the old tradition in the kitchen, in the semi-darkness, from fragments of dreams, memories and impressions of jazz and trip-hop. We took drums as dusty as planks from pirate ships, and rhodes and synths permeated by the street wind with a touch of intimacy and romance, complementing everything with a heavenly flute and cosmic tabla.
We express our human craving for the beautiful…
We are driven by the desire to narrate music…
Price for single track:
$1.53 (€1)
The musical dessert Brownie owes its appearance to Viktor Savin and Dima Rosenberg, better known by their DJ names
Viktor Viktorovich and DimaBerg.
The compositions were created according to the old tradition in the kitchen, in the semi-darkness, from fragments of dreams, memories and impressions of jazz and trip-hop. We took drums as dusty as planks from pirate ships, and rhodes and synths permeated by the street wind with a touch of intimacy and romance, complementing everything with a heavenly flute and cosmic tabla.
We express our human craving for the beautiful…
We are driven by the desire to narrate music…
Price for single track:
$1.07 (€0.7)
Curing Music for Mindfulness and Bliss, Healing Music for Inner Harmony and Peacefulness - Sane Mind (Original Mix) (4:10)
Curing Music for Mindfulness and Bliss, Healing Music for Inner Harmony and Peacefulness - My Dark Shadow (Original Mix) (4:10)
Curing Music for Mindfulness and Bliss, Healing Music for Inner Harmony and Peacefulness - Aqua Affinity (Original Mix) (4:10)
Curing Music for Mindfulness and Bliss, Healing Music for Inner Harmony and Peacefulness - Soul To Soul (Original Mix) (4:10)
Curing Music for Mindfulness and Bliss, Healing Music for Inner Harmony and Peacefulness - Remembering God (Original Mix) (4:41)
Curing Music for Mindfulness and Bliss, Healing Music for Inner Harmony and Peacefulness - Worry Less Sleep (Original Mix) (3:48)
Curing Music for Mindfulness and Bliss, Healing Music for Inner Harmony and Peacefulness - Power Of Silence (Original Mix) (5:24)
Curing Music for Mindfulness and Bliss, Healing Music for Inner Harmony and Peacefulness - In Depth Of Prayer (Original Mix) (3:56)
Curing Music for Mindfulness and Bliss, Healing Music for Inner Harmony and Peacefulness - Jewel Of Peace (Original Mix) (4:06)
Curing Music for Mindfulness and Bliss, Healing Music for Inner Harmony and Peacefulness - Autumn Love (Original Mix) (4:20)
Curing Music for Mindfulness and Bliss, Healing Music for Inner Harmony and Peacefulness - Dark Night (Original Mix) (4:38)
Curing Music for Mindfulness and Bliss, Healing Music for Inner Harmony and Peacefulness - At Midnight Amoit (Original Mix) (4:28)
Therapy music for Spa and Deep Sleep, Blissful Spa Music for Deep Relaxation and Well Being - The Healing Mantra (Original Mix) (4:52)
Therapy music for Spa and Deep Sleep, Blissful Spa Music for Deep Relaxation and Well Being - Hypothese (Original Mix) (4:39)
Curing Music for Mindfulness and Bliss, Healing Music for Inner Harmony and Peacefulness - Better Sleep (Original Mix) (3:20)
Curing Music for Mindfulness and Bliss, Healing Music for Inner Harmony and Peacefulness - Traveling (Original Mix) (4:48)
Curing Music for Mindfulness and Bliss, Healing Music for Inner Harmony and Peacefulness - Nirmal Pehar (Original Mix) (2:04)
Curing Music for Mindfulness and Bliss, Healing Music for Inner Harmony and Peacefulness - Melody Rain Tune (Original Mix) (2:29)
Curing Music for Mindfulness and Bliss, Healing Music for Inner Harmony and Peacefulness - Depth Of Wind (Original Mix) (1:56)
Curing Music for Mindfulness and Bliss, Healing Music for Inner Harmony and Peacefulness - Dear Rain (Original Mix) (3:53)
Curing Music for Mindfulness and Bliss, Healing Music for Inner Harmony and Peacefulness - Heavy Rain And Thundering (Original Mix) (2:45)
Curing Music for Mindfulness and Bliss, Healing Music for Inner Harmony and Peacefulness - Rain In Black Day (Original Mix) (4:37)
Curing Music for Mindfulness and Bliss, Healing Music for Inner Harmony and Peacefulness - Holy Water Spa (Original Mix) (2:15)
Curing Music for Mindfulness and Bliss, Healing Music for Inner Harmony and Peacefulness - Bright Life (Original Mix) (3:46)
Curing Music for Mindfulness and Bliss, Healing Music for Inner Harmony and Peacefulness - Electric Chakras (Original Mix) (4:38)
Curing Music for Mindfulness and Bliss, Healing Music for Inner Harmony and Peacefulness - God's Garden (Original Mix) (4:16)
Curing Music for Mindfulness and Bliss, Healing Music for Inner Harmony and Peacefulness - Amazing Nature (Original Mix) (4:06)
Curing Music for Mindfulness and Bliss, Healing Music for Inner Harmony and Peacefulness - Through The Deep Blue Ocean (Original Mix) (4:44)