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Wind for Your Wings
Price for single track: 
$1.51 (€1)
Colourful Soul Image (3:41)
Desolation Unite (2:58)
History of Touches (2:52)
Consciousness As a God (3:25)
Price for whole release $3.01 (€2)
Четыре истории о неразрывной связи всего живого на нашей планете и далеко за ее пределами. Отрывки размышлений о порой пугающей красоте совпадений, событий предопределяющих дальнейший путь. Альбом о вдохновении, о потере вдохновения, о силе движущей человека к новому и вечном страхе перед неизвестностью — о противоречиях, рождающих гротескные переживания сопутствующие жизни, вероятно, каждого, кто хоть раз ощущал нечто бесконечно большее, чем человек или даже человечество. Альбом записан при участии струнного квартета ArsNova.
Music For Paranoid Cats
Music For Paranoid Cats
Price for single track: 
$1.51 (€1)
Follow The Star (Original mix) (8:34)
20 March (Original mix) (6:17)
Drops Of Blood (Original mix) (5:34)
Voice Inside Of Me (Original mix) (6:29)
Price for whole release $4.52 (€3)

A Light In The Darkness
A Light In The Darkness
Price for single track: 
$1.05 (€0.7)
Sensations (2:23)
A Long Time (4:20)
Fame (4:35)
Alive (4:33)
The Same Mistake (4:20)
Insane (5:04)
My Window (3:37)
Damage (4:36)
Alone (3:45)
Woman In Black (4:10)
Damage (In Good Faith Remix) (3:53)
Alive (Techni-ka Remix) (6:04)
My Window (Cyborgdrive Remix) (3:40)
Fame (Neosynth Remix) (4:55)
Alone (Alexis Voice Remix) (3:38)
Damage (Technique Remix) (5:00)
Price for whole release $6.03 (€4)
“A light in the darkness” Insight debut album, is to feature 16 tracks including remixes from producers and synthpop bands like Cyborgdrive, Techni-ka, Alexis Voice, NeoSynth, In Good Faith or Technique.
Beyond Good And Evil
Beyond Good And Evil
Price for single track: 
$1.05 (€0.7)
Beyond Good and Evil (1:45)
The Veil of Maya (4:02)
I Wanted Love (3:46)
Game Over (4:47)
This World’s Too Loud (5:46)
I Prefer Machines (4:14)
Hikikomori (2:43)
Something to Live For (4:38)
Renaissance (4:47)
The Losers (5:58)
Game Over (Remix) (5:13)
I Prefer Machines (Jens Polger Dynamic Master Remix) (4:16)
The Losers (Klaak Remix) (5:17)
Price for whole release $6.03 (€4)
From a musical point of view, ‘Beyond Good and Evil’ is everything but minimalistic, characterized by rich electronic arrangements and multiple textures of melodies and orchestrations. The retro-futuristic style recalls many ‘80s pop icons, such as Ultravox, Depeche Mode, Simple Minds or Gary Numan, without lacking more modern rock and industrial influences. It was not born as a concept album, and probably it’s not such even if we look at the end result. However, at some point in the working phase, we noticed the existence of a ‘leitmotif’, born spontaneously and almost unconsciously; an underlying thread behind the scaffolding of the entire album, but at the same time, organic to the latter. It’s the concept of hypocrisy, effectively symbolized by the ‘veil’ (a metaphor borrowed from the philosophy of Schopenhauer and, before him, from the eastern culture); something that is between the observer and the real essence of things. This is the intrinsic concept of BGaE; a trace of it can be spotted in each song, always from a different point of view. The veil can be a metaphor for many forms of hypocrisy: the perversion of social patterns, the lack of transparency and sincerity in relations between lovers or friends, the want of communication and isolation barrier behind which some of us take shelter to protect ourselves from cruelty and the irrational chaos of this world, the sterile materialism of a substantial part of our society, etc.. This is evident from the first song ‘The Veil of Maya’, which can be considered the manifesto of the entire work; in it, it’s also obsessively present the exhortation which is the other thread of the album; It’s not limited to single out the existential problems but it also offers a possible solution: the gash of the veil, the abandonment of any illusory condition of human life; a difficult but essential process, desirable - mind you -no matter what you encounter on the other side of the wall (it is here that takes way the quote from Nietzsche that gives the title track, although completely changed to the original direction), whether is ‘Good’ or ‘Bad’. We must accept the truth of our existence for what it is; if necessary, fight to change it. However, too often humans mutilate themselves in a voluntary state of minority, afraid to face reality. Changes are possible, anyhow, if each one realizes this simple thing. ‘Beyond Good and Evil’ is essentially this: a humanist work, which criticizes the human race for human race’s sake. The great hope hidden behind the veil of pessimism.
Moment of Peace
Price for single track: 
$1.51 (€1)
Moment of Peace (Original Mix) (6:02)
Moment of Peace (Sodality Remix) (5:41)
Price for whole release $2.26 (€1.5)
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