Released: 06.10.2023
Organic House / Downtempo
The Barchan
Stroganov Music  - SMAS014
Bar - sand, Khan - mountain (from Turkic), we add it up, it turns out a sand mountain. They are formed under the interaction of sand, wind and some solid obstacle (stone, plant, hill), which then becomes the core of the dune.

Their majestic and mysterious beauty has always attracted the attention and imagination of man. Therefore, there are a huge number of myths and legends about the barchans.

A princess turned into a sand hill for her pride – in ancient Persian mythology. Unhappy lovers who have aged due to the fact that the bride's father agreed to his blessing only when the groom pulls so much sand that the roof of the bride's house will be visible from the mountain. This is already one of the legends of the Sarykum dunes.

Giant snakes moving across the sand and leaving huge footprints in the sand – the legend of the Sonoran desert. Fairies and other fabulous creatures have always been inhabitants of the barchans in Celtic mythology. And many many others.

The symbolism of the barchans

Ancient China is a symbol of strength and protection.

Japan – sustainability and stability. Protection from negative energies and evil spirits.

Tibetan Buddhism – wisdom and enlightenment. A metaphor for overcoming obstacles and achieving spiritual enlightenment.

Slavic mythology – sacred mountains that have magical power and bring good luck.

Navajo Indians – barchans symbolize the ways of air and water. Sacred places where the souls of the dead dwell.

Lakota Indians – barchans are a symbol of balance and harmony.

Arab culture – the barchans symbolize the strength and resilience necessary for survival in difficult situations.

In the Islamic tradition, the barchans symbolize the omnipotence of God, his steadfastness and power over nature.

Legends, symbols, myths about barchans – contribute to the preservation of the magical aura and mystery around these beautiful and interesting natural formations.

I tried to convey all this with the help of music. Immerse yourself and feel completely the atmosphere of magic, mystery and mystery of such a beautiful natural phenomenon as the barchan.
The Barchan (Original Mix)
$1.49 (€1)
The Barchan (Radio Edit)
$1.49 (€1)
320 kb/s WAV
$2.24 (€1.5)
Aleksandr Stroganov
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